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Why Boxing Is A Great Workout

Written by Rumble | Sep 28, 2023 11:19:51 AM


What Is Boxing?

Boxing is a dynamic and engaging combat sport that requires participants to use a combination of punches, footwork, and defensive manoeuvres. It is not just about throwing punches, but also about strategy, technique, and conditioning.


Boxing workouts provide a full-body workout, targeting major muscle groups and enhancing cardiovascular health. With an emphasis on upper body strength, boxing classes offer high-intensity workouts that engage the core muscles and improve overall fitness levels.


Taking boxing classes can be a fantastic addition to any fitness routine. Under the guidance of a knowledgeable boxing coach, participants learn proper form for punches and defensive movements, while also incorporating conditioning exercises to build strength and endurance.

Types of Boxing Workouts

At Rumble Boxing, our signature workout is a 10-round, 45-minute fight that is evenly divided between two styles of training.


During the first half of the class, participants have the opportunity to explore the skills and drills of boxing. Under the guidance of our expert boxing coaches, you will learn the proper technique, footwork, and defensive maneuvers. This not only improves coordination and agility but also helps to develop focus and mental clarity.

The second half of the class focuses on the transformative power of resistance training. Through a series of conditioning exercises, participants engage in a full-body workout that targets major muscle groups, enhances core strength, and improves cardiovascular endurance. This dynamic style of training not only helps to build strength and muscle tone but also aids in fat loss and overall body conditioning.

The combination of boxing skills and resistance training in our workouts offers a holistic approach to fitness. It combines the cardiovascular benefits of a high-intensity workout with the muscle-strengthening effects of resistance training. Plus, our sessions are led by experienced coaches who motivate and challenge participants to reach their fitness goals.


Building Strength and Endurance Through Boxing

At Rumble Boxing, we offer boxing classes that not only provide an exhilarating workout but also help you build strength and endurance. Our classes combine the art of boxing with resistance training to deliver a full-body workout that targets major muscle groups and improves cardiovascular fitness.

During our boxing classes,  you'll learn to throw precise punches, move swiftly, and strategize effectively, all of which require great strength and endurance.

But it doesn't stop at the boxing skills. The second half of our classes focuses on strength and resistance training. Through a series of conditioning exercises, you'll engage in high-intensity workouts that target your entire body, from head to toe. This dynamic approach helps to build muscle tone, increase core strength, and improve cardiovascular endurance.

Boxing for Weight Loss and Body Composition

Boxing classes at Rumble Boxing offer more than just a great workout - they can also help you lose weight and transform your body composition.

Boxing is a high-intensity exercise that engages major muscle groups in your upper and lower body. By constantly moving and throwing punches, you can burn a significant amount of calories, making it an effective tool for weight loss. In fact, boxing workouts can burn up to 800 calories per hour!

Not only does boxing torch calories, but it also helps to build muscle tone. The combination of punching, footwork, and defensive manoeuvres works your entire body, from your arms and shoulders to your core and legs. As you continue with regular boxing classes, you'll notice increased strength and definition in these areas.

If you're looking for a fun and effective way to lose weight, tone your muscles, and improve your mental health, give boxing at Rumble Boxing a try. Our expert coaches and dynamic classes will help you achieve your fitness goals while enjoying a challenging and empowering workout.

Stress Relief and Mental Well-being with Boxing

Rumble Boxing doesn't just provide exceptional physical workouts; it also delivers a multitude of mental health advantages, such as stress reduction and enhanced overall well-being, through its boxing classes.

Boxing serves as an incredible outlet for stress relief. When you step into the boxing class and put on your hand wraps, you have the opportunity to release built-up tension and frustration. The physical exertion involved in boxing allows you to channel your energy in a positive way and leave your worries behind.

During boxing sessions, your mind becomes engaged in the present moment as you focus on your technique, footwork, and combinations. This mental focus and concentration help to bring clarity and relieve anxiety.

Moreover, the discipline required in boxing training promotes a sense of achievement and self-confidence. As you progress in your boxing skills, you'll gain a sense of accomplishment that can significantly boost your self-esteem and overall mental well-being.

Boxing for Self-Defense and Confidence

Boxing is not only a great workout, but it also helps individuals develop self-defence skills and gain confidence. Boxing classes teach participants the proper techniques and strategies to protect themselves in real-life situations.

The skills acquired through boxing training, such as footwork, defensive moves, and punching techniques, can be applied effectively in self-defence scenarios. By learning how to throw powerful punches, individuals become more equipped to handle potential dangers. This newfound ability to protect oneself can provide a sense of empowerment and security in everyday life.

Furthermore, boxing classes help boost confidence levels. As participants learn and improve their skills in the boxing class, they gain a strong sense of achievement and belief in their abilities. The physical challenges and mental focus required in boxing workouts push individuals to their limits, allowing them to surpass boundaries they may have once thought were impossible. This increased level of self-assurance spills over into other aspects of life, enhancing self-esteem and promoting a positive self-image.

Tips for Starting Your Boxing Fitness Journey

Tips for Starting Your Boxing Fitness Journey at Rumble Boxing

1. Find a reputable boxing gym: To begin your boxing fitness journey, it's crucial to find a reputable boxing gym like Rumble Boxing. We have locations across Australia such as Subiaco, Innaloo, Bondi Beach, South Melbourne, Mona Vale and many more!


2. Start with boxing classes: Joining boxing classes is a great way to introduce yourself to the sport. Rumble Boxing offers a variety of classes suitable for beginners, from cardio-focused sessions to technique-based classes. Starting with classes will allow you to learn proper form and technique from qualified instructors.

3. Invest in proper equipment: Before attending your first boxing session, make sure you have the necessary equipment. This includes hand wraps, boxing gloves, and comfortable workout clothing

4. Start at your own pace: It's important to listen to your body and start at a pace that suits your fitness level. Boxing is a high-intensity workout, so take breaks if needed and gradually increase the intensity as you progress. The knowledgeable coaches at Rumble Boxing will guide you through each class and offer modifications to suit your needs.

5. Stay consistent: Consistency is key when starting your boxing fitness journey. Aim to attend classes regularly and gradually increase the frequency over time. By staying consistent, you'll not only improve your boxing skills but also reap the numerous benefits of a full-body workout.

Begin your boxing fitness journey at Rumble Boxing and savour the remarkable physical and mental rewards that boxing classes bring, all while enjoying the added perk of your first class being absolutely free.





Check out our studios across Australia, including Subiaco, Innaloo, Bondi Beach, South Melbourne and many more!