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Mastering Breathing for Fitness Boxing | Rumble Boxing

Written by Rumble | Aug 22, 2024 9:00:30 AM

If you’ve ever been drawn to the thrill of boxing, you know it’s not just about throwing punches and sparring with a partner; it’s about understanding the art of movement and control. But, there’s a secret weapon that often gets overlooked: breathwork!


Yes, you heard that right – it's an incredibly important technique that can significantly boost your boxing performance.

In this post, we discuss why breathwork is a game changer in your boxing workout. We’ll explore how effective breathing techniques can transform your training, from improving your punch power to how your breathing can take your skills to the next level.

The Power of Breathing in Fitness Boxing

Breathing may seem simple, but the way you breathe during exercise—especially in fitness boxing—plays a pretty significant role in your performance.


The oxygen you breathe acts as fuel for your body. When you exercise, especially during intense boxing sessions, your body’s need for oxygen increases. Proper breathing ensures that enough oxygen reaches your organs and tissues, helping you maintain peak performance and avoid the need to overcompensate with for heavy breathing.


Fitness boxing is a blend of aerobic and anaerobic activities: aerobic exercise involves sustained, rhythmic movement, while anaerobic exercise demands short bursts of high-intensity effort. To keep up with the physical demands of boxing, proper breathing is essential. On the flip side, improper breathing can lead to several issues:

  • Reduced Workout Performance: If you’re not getting enough oxygen, your muscles won’t work as well, which can slow down your progress.
  • Delayed Muscle Recovery: Inadequate oxygen means longer recovery times for sore and tired muscles.
  • Health Risks: Bad breathing can put extra stress on your heart and overall health. A lack of proper breathing can cause a spike in your blood pressure, which can be dangerous.



Looking At The Basics Of Breathing

  • Diaphragmatic Breathing: Also known as deep belly breathing, this technique involves breathing deeply into your diaphragm rather than just your chest. By doing so, you maximise oxygen intake and engage your core muscles.
  • Rhythmic Breathing: This method involves coordinating your breath with your movements, creating a steady and predictable rhythm. For instance, you might inhale during a preparation phase and exhale with each punch. Rhythmic breathing helps you maintain a consistent pace and prevents you from becoming winded during intense bouts of movement.
  • Controlled Exhalation: Proper exhalation is just as important as inhalation. By focusing on exhaling fully and slowly, you clear out carbon dioxide and make room for fresh oxygen. Controlled exhalation also helps you stay relaxed and in control, reducing the risk of heavy, inefficient breathing during high-intensity movements.

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The Benefits Of Proper Breathing

Most of us don’t think about the way we breathe. It’s a natural function that we often take for granted. But, mastering proper breathing can make a huge difference in your fitness boxing routine.

  • Helps Maintain Energy Levels: By ensuring your body gets a steady supply of oxygen, proper breathing helps you keep your energy up throughout your workout. You’ll feel less fatigued and more capable of pushing through even the toughest rounds.
  • Keeps You Moving: Efficient breathing keeps you from feeling winded or out of breath, so you can maintain a steady rhythm and keep moving without interruptions. This means you can stay active and focused on your technique, rather than gasping for air.
  • Gives You More Power: With enough oxygen fuelling your muscles, you’ll find you can deliver stronger punches and perform explosive movements with more intensity. Better breathing translates into more power and effectiveness in every strike.
  • Keeps You Focused: Proper breathing helps calm your mind and sharpen your concentration. When you’re not distracted by heavy breathing or a lack of air, you can stay fully engaged in your workout and execute your moves with precision.

Breathwork Techniques for Fitness Boxing

If you are a beginner boxer, it is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed while working on your stamina and endurance. Focusing on your breath, especially between rounds, can help train your body and mind to handle stress better, not just in training but in everyday situations too.


One popular breathing technique is Box Breathing. It is a powerful relaxation technique that helps return your breathing to a natural rhythm after intense exertion or stress. It’s known for its ability to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, strengthen respiratory muscles, and lower blood pressure. Plus, it boosts attention and reduces fatigue and anxiety, making it a great addition to your boxing routine.


Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to practice Box Breathing:

  1. Inhale Deeply: Breathe in through your nose for a count of four, filling your lungs completely and pushing the air into your belly.
  2. Hold Your Breath: Pause and hold your breath for a count of four. Try not to inhale or exhale during this time.
  3. Exhale Slowly: Relax your jaw and exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of four, as if you’re fogging up a mirror.
  4. Pause Again: After exhaling, hold your breath for another count of four before starting the cycle again.

If holding your breath for four seconds feels challenging, start with two or three seconds and gradually increase as you become more comfortable with the technique.

Breathing through the workout

  • Take It Slow: Start by focusing on your breathing at a slower pace. This allows you to become more aware of your breath and establish a steady rhythm before increasing the intensity. By taking it slow, you build a solid foundation for future sessions.
  • Breathe Through Movements: Try to match your breath with what you’re doing. For instance, inhale as you get ready for a punch or during the recovery, and exhale as you throw the punch or exert effort. This keeps you flowing smoothly and makes sure you’re getting enough oxygen.
  • Inhale Through Your Nose and Exhale Through Your Mouth: Nasal breathing helps release nitric oxide, which increases carbon dioxide (CO2) in your blood, leading to more oxygen being delivered to your muscles. This efficient oxygen delivery helps reduce fatigue and stress, keeping you energised and performing at your best
  • Be Consistent: Consistency is key to making breathwork a natural part of your routine. Practice your breathing techniques regularly, and apply them during all phases of your workout. Over time, consistent breathing will become second nature!

Common Breathing Mistakes To Avoid

While breathing comes naturally, it is easy to make several common mistakes during your workout. These include:

  • Not Regulating Your Breathing: If you’re not keeping a steady breath rhythm, you might find yourself running low on energy and focus. Try to establish a consistent breathing pattern to keep your performance on track.
  • Holding Your Breath: You might find yourself holding your breath, while you try to focus on your movements. However, holding your breath can cause unnecessary strain and reduce your overall oxygen intake. Instead, focus on a steady inhale and exhale to keep your muscles supplied with the oxygen they need and to avoid feeling lightheaded.
  • Not Utilising Diaphragmatic Breathing: Neglecting diaphragmatic breathing, or deep belly breathing, means you’re not fully utilising your lung capacity. Practice breathing deeply into your diaphragm to ensure you’re maximising oxygen intake during your routine.

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Breathe Easy and Box Strong

Ready to take your fitness boxing to the next level? Mastering your breathing can transform your workout experience, boost your performance, and keep you energised throughout every round. By avoiding common mistakes and incorporating effective breathwork techniques, you’ll find yourself hitting harder, recovering faster, and feeling more focused.


At Rumble Boxing, we’re here to inspire and celebrate your journey. Our full-body, boxing-inspired group fitness classes are designed for everyone—no experience necessary! Join us for a high-octane 10-round fight that combines authentic HIIT, metabolic conditioning, and cardio benefits in one seamless class.


Don’t wait to experience the thrill of boxing while improving your breathwork. Find a location near you and come rumble with us!